
Attendance and Absences

We attempt to maintain an excellent record of attendance at Nelson. We know that excellent attendance is directly linked to success and achievement at school.


If your child is unwell you should telephone the school on 0208 894 9899 by 09.00am.

If we have not received a message that your child is absent, a member of staff will telephone to find out where your child is. This is for your child’s safety and to ensure that we know they are safe, so please be understanding if you receive a call from us.

If you are not sure how long your child should be absent from school due to illness, the document below will provide a guide for you.
Medical appointments

Routine medical and dental appointments are expected to be taken after school hours and/or during school holidays.

Term-time travel

Travel during school dates is not permitted, including travel overseas to visit relatives, or to take a holiday. Please check term dates before making travel arrangements.

Term Dates

Please check the calendar and our Term Dates page to ensure that all appointments and holidays fall within the correct times.